As a full service agency in the hospitality industry, we support decision-makers in the development of strategies, concepts and the realization of gastronomic projects.

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Great climate in Hesse

Just in time for the outdoor sitting season, Antje has written a guide on how to transform the classics of Frankfurt cuisine into plant-based delicacies. For a healthy and sustainable future.


Antje shows how liberating plant-based food can be with the Plant Power Manifesto for the Gastronomy and for allwho are interested in the future.

Set off

Sustainability, equal opportunities and appreciative coexistence are prerequisites for a future worth living: the Gastro-Utopia 2030



Vision is the art of seeing the invisible, said the Irish writer Jonathan Swift.

Our visions should be visible to everyone in the hospitality industry and provide the industry with a basis for innovative strategies.


is companionship


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without disguise

Antje de Vries

Self-declared food nomad with a heart of gold and an unerring sense of taste.

Uwe Plappert

He grew up in the restaurant business, is a chef and a business economist. He can actually do everything.

Jean Ploner

Gastro-lover, key figure and mentor with vision. Simply: the Man!

Friederike Bothe

Holistic designer, gender representative and only there for the champagne in the first place.

Tim Plasse

Stuck in gastronomy in the last millennium. The Orion Bar was just the beginning.

With our different perspectives on gastronomy and the competence and passion of experienced hospitality professionals, we turn visionary ideas into healthy and forward-looking projects together with our clients.